Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's already February

The year is just running away already but I have been busy,I did start the Bonnie K Hunter mystery quilt and in fact I am half way there.I had to put it aside because I was making the centre of a quilt that is to be raffled soon,it goes off to Belinda Betts in Orange to be quilted next week.Then I decided to do my Siggy squares for the Adelaide retreat,the weather has been so hot here I just sat in the sewing room between 2 fans and worked on them whilst watching DVDs of Midsomer Murders.I have 87 which I hope is enough they are different from any others I have done.The housework has been slack for a week or two so I thought I might get up about 6 AM tomorrow and have it all done before the temperature hits the roof again.

Here is the quilt I gave the Tim Tam's for a wedding present

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