Sunday, June 23, 2019

23/06/2019   Photo a Day  A Story

The Service Badge

lain McDougall, soldier, poet and student, as sketched by Kerwin Maegraith, of the Sydney “ Daily Mirror.” The Army Minister (Mr. Forde) recently announced that the Active Service Badge, issued to returned soldiers of the A.I.F., is to be made available also to members of the A.M.F. who have served in the forward battle areas of Australia and New Guinea. I know that I have the backing of returned soldiers in general, from this war, in protesting against this decision. There is no question of denying recognition to militiamen who have seen service; indeed, their exploits in New Guinea demand recognition. However, it is grossly unfair that they should be given the same distinction as returned members of the A.I.F. The difference between the two services is well defined — the difference between volunteers and non-volunteers. We of the A.I.F. are proud that we volunteered, and do not wish to be confused in any way with non-volunteers. A badge should certainly be issued to men of the A.M.F., and surely it would not tax the official mind too much to evolve a new badge for this purpose. The men of the A.I.F. distinguished themselves by the manner of their enlistment, and it is only fair that on their discharge recognition should be given to this fact. This is not snobbery, but pride, and surely We can continue to be proud of perhaps our greatest institution— the provision of voluntary soldiers in time of war for the defence of our Empire. I think, too, that returned men of this war should be given more say in the discussion re who should be given membership in the League, and who should not. After all. it is the new Dis'p'er whose feelings should be considered in this matter, and he cannot be expected to be quite as tolerant in his attitude towards non-volunte'ers as the Digger of the last war. Those who have been discharged can see to-dav the plotting and scheming indulged in by certain individuals to evade their military responsibilities. In the event of the Army eventually catching up with these defaulters, upon their discharge they will apparently receive the same recognition both from the Government and the League as the dinkum Digger himself. The League is known as the Return'ed Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s League, and its membership should be limited to such. Members of the A M F. could have an ex- servicemen’s leagu’e of their awn. and a lot of painful controversy would thus be avoided after the war. Perhans the League will take up the matter of the Active Service Badge with the Minister for the Armv, and until the matter is cleared nn I am sure the majority of new Diggers will remove the badge from their coats, thinking as I do. that its lustre is somewhat dimmed. —IAIN McDOUGALL. 2/lst Bn., A.I.F.

This story written by my Father was printed in the Reveille Magazine November 1942

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